Abiding Savior

Lutheran Church

Kingdom Workers spreads the Gospel by mobilizing Christians to create locally sustainable ministries addressing spiritual and physical needs in communities around the world.

Lutheran Church

The vision of Northwestern Publishing House is to be the premier resource for quality Lutheran materials faithful to the Scriptures and Lutheran Confessions. We offer resources for the church, the school, and the home. In addition to adult and youth curriculum, we publish periodicals and books on a variety of subjects: devotions, family and personal guidance, church history, and Scripture studies such as the popular People's Bible commentary series. We also provide books and materials selected from other Christian publishers.



Evangelical: "Ev" is a Greek word that means good. Angelos is a message or news "Good News"

"Synod" Is another Greek word that means "Walking Together  or Common Faith"

The mission of Christian Aid and Relief is to reflect Christ’s love and compassion to souls suffering from disasters and hardships. Because of what Christ has freely done for us, we eagerly show we care by offering our time, talents, and treasures to those in need.

Time of Grace is for people who want more growth and less struggle in their spiritual walk. Through the timeless truth of God’s Word, we connect people to God’s grace so they know they are loved and forgiven and so they can start living in the freedom they’ve always wanted. 

Abiding Savior